Project Management


Project Management

For larger projects, the principal of Kepri Estates, with 30yrs of project and project planning experience across Asia, Africa and Australia can assist with project planning your development. Kepri Estates can assist with all aspects of development planning, scheduling, tender development, and review as well all procurement and logistics on behalf of clients.

With boots on the ground in the province we can assist from the initial development approvals through to commissioning. We have numerous contacts locally, regionally and ex-pat engineering associates that love a good challenge, have a superior work ethic, and would like nothing better than to spend a couple of years on a tropical island building your resort!

Kepri Estates has a wealth of knowledge on all aspects of development in the province, what issues may arise and most importantly, what and when mitigations need to be in place to prevent them. We can save you valuable time and expense on your project, and if we do not have a direct in-house solution, we are likely to know an immediate contact who has. Developers have found this invaluable when dealing with development remotely in developing countries

Please note the above services are exclusive to clients who have purchased their development land through Kepri Estates or its affiliate agencies.

private island services - project management.