

Bathymetry Surveys

Should you be embarking on a development with significant overwater structures such as concrete jetties, piling, over water villas or resort facilities, it is recommended to obtain a bathymetry survey to ensure your architects and master planners have the required information to ensure structures are sound and cost estimates are accurate. Bathymetry costs vary, depending on the size and resolution of the survey required, but are typically a few thousand US dollars, and are normally completed within a few weeks.

Having a bathymetry survey, in conjunction with tidal and wind information, also assists with locating the best possible pick-up point for feedwater for the resort and also defines the best location to discharge any processed liquid waste. The locations of these services also further assists with project planning, costing and approvals. Kepri Estates has invaluable contacts at a provincial university that can provide undergraduate students to undertake all bathymetry survey requirements at very cost-effective rates.

Should you need a dedicated service, the principal of Kepri Estates, with 30yrs of project and project planning experience across 3 continents, can advise you on how best to proceed and provide a quotation for your specific project requirements, no matter how complicated or detailed they are. Please note the above services are exclusive to clients who have purchased their development land through Kepri Estates or its affiliate agencies.

private island services - bathymetry surveys.