permits licences and approvals for resort development

Approvals for Private Island Developments

When planning a private island eco resort, you need to secure specific permits, licenses, and approvals to ensure full compliance with local regulations.

Although each project may require unique documentation, most developments share several common requirements. It is crucial to work with knowledgeable service providers who understand the exact permitting sequence.

This approach prevents repetitive applications, avoids duplicate fees, and maintains a smooth approval process.

Key Permits and Licenses

1. Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL)

Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) to identify and mitigate any potential environmental damage caused by the resort. Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry often requires this study to protect local ecosystems.

2. Building Permit (IMB)

Obtain an Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) from local authorities. This permit confirms your resort complies with building codes and safety regulations.

3. Business License

Secure a business license through the local government or the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). This document formally allows you to operate as a commercial entity.

4. Land Use Permit

Acquire a Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) or other relevant permits to confirm that the proposed land is zoned for your intended resort use.

5. Environmental Permit

Obtain an Environmental Permit from the local government or environmental agency. It confirms that your resort’s operations meet environmental standards and regulations.

6. Water Permit

Request a Water Permit to guarantee lawful access to water resources. You may need this for water supply systems, wastewater management, or other essential services.

7. Forest Area Permit (If Applicable)

If your planned resort sits within or near a designated forest area, you may need specific approvals from the Ministry of Forestry or local forestry authorities.

8. Tourism License

Apply for a Tourism License from the Ministry of Tourism or the relevant local authority. This license validates your operations as a tourist accommodation facility.

9. Fire Safety Approval

Secure approval from the local fire department. This step verifies compliance with fire safety regulations and protects guests, staff, and local communities.

10. Health and Sanitation Approval

Obtain the necessary approvals from local health agencies. These documents confirm adherence to public health and sanitation standards throughout your resort’s design and operation.

Approvals for Private Island Developments – Additional Steps and Considerations

Keep in mind that each permit or license often includes multiple stages, from initial application to final issuance. You might coordinate with government bodies at the national, provincial, and local levels. Therefore, track these steps carefully and maintain clear records to avoid confusion.

Moreover, the most crucial aspect of developing in this province is having a team or company that recognizes your requirements and knows how to guide you from concept to completion. Effective collaboration ensures minimal delays and optimizes your investment by reducing unnecessary expenses. By following this structured approach, you can navigate the complexities of private island resort development and maintain full compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

If you adhere to these guidelines and partner with experienced professionals, you will significantly increase your chances of creating a successful, profitable, and sustainable private island resort.

Kepri Estates clients rest assured knowing that we are a full service realtor with extensive experience and local understanding to assist all our clients to get from private island purchase to private island development in the shortest timeframes with the minimum of fuss.

Kepri Estates service offering summary is located on our summary page in the private island services page and you can always email us directly at for more information on permitting and licensing requirements for eco resort development in the “next Maldives”.

For more information on the fantastic paradise islands of Anambas, please check out our comprehensive Anambas Guide or Kepri Estates YouTube channel.

Check out the video below for a deep dive into private island investment due diligence.

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